After Effects latest information
TypeMonkey (Kinetic Type Generator)
iExpressions (Expressions without writing code)
Workflow-toolbox / (FCP to AE)
Newton Physics Engine for After Effects
Free After Effects reflection plug-in
C&T Meyer Expressions examples
Open Sesame - Open project in earlier version
Supported cards CS6 & Latest info & CC V12.1 Cards
AE Raytrace CUDA performance comparison
Creating water in AE with Aurora
AE - C4D - AE -- 3D objects into After Effects compositions
Cyriak (Great After Effects work)
Apple Final Cut Pro & Motion
Long-time Final Cut Pro user tries Adobe Premiere CS5.5
The unofficial graphic enhanced manual for FCPX
From Canon XF100 to FCPX – A Workflow
FCPX Clip Exporter and FCPX to After Effects
Apple Final Cut Studio
Automaticduck for FCP & AE (all free now)
Free green screens for practice
NeatVideo - video noise reduction
Matrox MX02 Mini (HD Monitor I/O)
Audition sound library (Log in with free Adobe account)
Training Books and Videos
After Effects Expressions book1
After Effects Expressions book2
After Effects - Classroom in a Book
Creative links
Brands of the World - Graphics